Showing posts with label Cosplayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosplayer. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


I'm totally blew away by Kamui, her craftsmanship. Seriously, just take a look at her AION Asmodian or her even Druid Tier 6 and others. These are the costumes that I would not have much patient on with the details. But the strong love and passion for the characters and costume is one of the main reason that motivates her to spend thousand of hours and efforts to complete these wonderful detailed costumes.
By interviewing her, I realized good cosplays is not about making a quantity but the quality of cosplay. And a word from her, 'PASSION'. Yes, cosplay for passion and it's the only thing that make us continue on this cosplay journey.
By the way, you guys should really check out Kamui's cosplay website for these awesome tutorials she made, really appreciate that she made a walk-through shares her experience about her costumes with everyone *thumbsup!

.Kamui Cosplay.

Ryea: What is COSPLAY to you?

Cosplay for me is a wonderful chance to live my dreams, work creatively and share my passion with others. And it's a way to prove myself.
Every costume consist of parts, first I need to find the right way to produce it. It's the result of a lot of research and development but it also goes hand in hand with failures and desperation. I have to fight with myself and to force myself never to give up or be desperate. And especially never to stop at one point in my evolution.
It's also very important to share my knowledge and experiences with others. I'm writing tutorials, holding workshops and trying to help everyone with their own projects. I guess, cosplay is not only a hobby, but a whole commnuity of people who love to work creatively.
For me it became something of a lifestyle and even changed my life. I'm not able to imagine a life without it anymore.

Ryea: When do you first started to cosplay?

It was in 2003 and I was just 17 years old.
My costume was the Great Saiyaman from Dragonball Z. The costume itself though was just awful! I used wrong and cheap fabric and everybody saw that I couldn't sew.
However it was a great idea to cosplay, especially because this made the convention even greater than it already was.
I still love the character so much that I've redone my costume last year!

Ryea: How many characters have you cosplayed so far?

They are not so many because most of my latest costumes took a lot of time and money. All in all there were:
-Great Saiyaman from Dragonball Z
-Moogle from Final Fantasy
-Nightelf Druid Tier 1 from World of Warcraft
-Nightelf Druid Tier 3 from World of Warcraft
-Priestess Rao from Okami
-Asmodian Gladiator from Aion (Tower of Eternity)
-Nightelf Druid Tier 8 from World of Warcraft
-Elyos Mage from Aion (Tower of Eterniy)

You see, for 8 years of cosplay it's really nothing spectacular, but I don't care about the amount of costumes. I've picked up very complicated costumes last time and spent several months to finish them, so it's just not possible to create more than 3 or 4 costumes every year.

Ryea: Which is your favorite character that you've cosplayed?

I'm really proud on my Asmodian Gladiator, but I love my Druid Tier sets much more.
It's just because I really love the character, it's story and and it's design. I myself play a Nightelf Druid almost since the release of World of Warcraft and loved them for all this time. So the Druid will be always my favourite one and I'll keep on cosplaying them.

Ryea:Which is your first character?

Like I said it was the Great Saiyaman, but I made this costume and even started with cosplay just because everyone else did it.
There was no passion and no love in this costume and I almost gave up cosplaying.
But when World of Warcraft was released I really started to find enjoyment in sewing, building and painting and the way I see it, my Druid Tier 1 was my first real character.

Ryea: Which characters is in your future cosplay list?

At the moment I'm working on Alexstrazsa and the Druid Tier 9 for me and my boyfriend from World of Warcraft.
I also wanted to finish a Demon Hunter from Diablo III and maybe I will even be able to create something further, but I won't start with it until I'm done with my actual projects.

Ryea: Do you make your own costume & props?

Yup, I create everything myself.
My boyfriend helps me sometimes by painting and I get help from many tutorials and progress blogs, but everything is done by myself.

Ryea: Which is your most satisfied prop/costume so far?

Journey's End is my big love.
I learned a lot of techniques by building it and there is something special about it. Probably it's because of the story behind the staff in World of Warcraft ,maybe all the work I spent making it or maybe it's the design. I don't know, but I really love this staff a lot.

Ryea: What is your favorite part when cosplay?

It's the constrution. It's awesome to create something by your own hand and just follow your creativity.
I love to work with new materials, develop new techniques and solve problems after many tries. And it's just great to see that I'm not alone with my questions, find nice tutorials or share my experience with others and help them with their stuff.
And at the end, when I see all my progress photos, it's just amazing to see how something starts so tiny, grows, becomes larger and gets a shape and color. When the last layer of vanish dried and everything works like it should, yeah, then I'm really proud of the work I've done and cannot wait to show it to the world. It's just an amazing feeling!

Ryea: Any good/funny/memorable experience when you cosplay?

Yeah, I guess it was on the stage at Blizzcon 2009 at the dance contest.
It was very late and I was unbelivably exhausted, because I already had to wear my heavy leather armor and my staff for 12 hours straight and I just wanted to go on stage as fast as possible, to do my perfomance and go directly to the hotel afterwards.
In the last hours I had to stand in line and to wait for 2 hours; my feet burned like hell in my high heels and my body was just a huge chunk of pain. It was very, very hard trying not to collapse or even fall asleep right there on the ground.
Today I can't remember much of what happened when I entered the stage, danced and left the convention. I guess, it was just too much for my body, despite of it being just amazing to stand in front of 20000 people and a lot of other guys who watched the show on the internet. Ehm... I guess...

Ryea: How and what have you think you've improved from since you started cosplay?

I don't think that I improved my sewing skills so much, because they are still pretty bad. But I learned a lot: I know how to work with many materials, how to solve problems that cannot be solved, how to bring a character to live and especially how to share my knowledge with others.
I know a lot more about armor and prop making and found many friends and sources who can help me if I fail. I guess my biggest improved is knowing, what cosplay means to me: Never giving up, helping others and dream my dream. And everything I need will come by itself.

Ryea: Do you salute/idolize any cosplayer?

Hmm... there are many cosplayers and prop makes who do a really awesome work and I always follow their work.
My favourite one is Volpin, who is just dedicated prop maker and shows that he puts all his love into his project.
I learned a lot from his wonderful blog and always cannot wait to read the next entry. I'm very thankful for him sharing his progress and so I do the same and hope to help others with my work, too.

Ryea: Any tips to share?

Start with small projects and start early enough. Sewing the night before a convention is really frustrating, even if it can be really funny. Know how much time, money and effort you are able to spent and plan your projects well.
And the most important point is to search for help, tutorials and progress blogs. There is always someone, who worked on a similar project or costume part and even shared his work. If not, asked him! It can be very expensive and frustrating to fail and a project does makes much more fun, if you're sucessful.
And the last point: Be brave and never give up! If you really want to finish a well made costume, then you'll do it!

Ryea: Do you think great craftmanship is a person's talent or it's a result of long term practice ?

I don't believe in talent. But I believe in passion. If someone loves his project, he will try everything to finish it well made and if he doesn't have the skills, he will research, exercise and try until he manages it. I'm also very bad in sewing and painting, but I found ways to hide this fact or to get help and I will keep on working on my skills.

and 3 random questions :

1) What makes you interested in cosplaying armoured characters?

By chosing my costumes it's very important for me to find new challenges and to improve my skills every year.
I don't want to remain at the same level and so I try to experiment a lot and try new materials and techniques. That's also the reason why I look for hard, detailed or complicated costumes and for me armor and prop building is just perfect for this job.
However wearing them is -after some hours- mostly connected to a lot of pain and it's very exhausting and painful, but the construction process is amazing and just full of fun. So last year I really learned a lot. I even learned to ignore the pain of wearing an armor for hours till end.

2) How or where do you learn the skills of making those props and amour?

I love to experiment and research. I spent a lot of time in planning before I start with a project and I'm always motivated to create a costume as similar as possible to the reference material.
After years of practise I've learned a lot with the help from the internet and just by testing different materials and methods. Things often don't work as planned and sometimes I failed many times till I get right.
It's really not easy, but I start with my projects early enough to have a lot of time for my experiments. And that's all I did.

3) What kind of challenge do you see when you start making Aion?

The whole costume was a challenge. I never worked with Wonderflex before and had no idea if this material would work, but the tutorials said "yes". So I ordered some sheets and prayed that they were right.
After some tests I found the right way to work with it, but at the end I stood in front of a 20 pound heavy armor and had no idea how to fixate it onto my body. Many experiments later only I found a conclusion for it and it was the last night before the convention! and almost died because of the pain I got in this costume. Moving was almost impossible and so I had to redo the fixing, because I planned to fight in the armor for a cosplay performance.
I also never styled a wig before, but the hair style I had to create was very complicated. Ah, and I never worked with the kind of fabric I used before. I guess, I never worked with anything I used before for this costume!
Yeah, every part of the Aion armor was a huge challenge and so I'm really proud that I was able to finish it.

And lastly, what do you think about Let's Cosplay~?

I really love the idea behind Let's Cosplay and enjoy to read something about about other cosplayers a lot.
It's really interesting and I love the personal, non-standard questions you ask. I will keep on following this wonderful blog and hope to read something about more cosplayers and maybe even something about my friends.

Thanks so much Kamui for the wonderful answers, I bet you've helped to motivate others in making amour and props.. and that includes me !! Thanks!

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

YuuriK - Serah FFXIII-2

Ryea : Eventually I know her through her sis YuuriC .. haha
Been seeing her Vanille FFXIII cosplay featured in some other websites too~ *thumbsup*
Love her props for Serah very much too =D
Here would like to feature her latest Serah Cosplay in Otakon 2011 !~

Serah [FFXIII-2]

Ryea: What is cosplay to you ?

YK: Cosplay is not a so expensive hobby and it is a way to dress up as my most favorite characters.
It also has become like a family vacation, I go to conventions with all my sisters.

Ryea: Why attracts you to cosplay Serah from Final Fantasy XIII-2 ?

YK: At first my twin sis wanted to do a duo. I was never really attracted to Serah, but while
I researched her I began to like her character, and the design of her outfit is quite extraordinary.

Ryea: From Serah's overall costume, which is the most challenging part? why?

YK: I think the most challenging part was making the bow-blade and getting the skirt’s top panel right.
Also, trying to figure out most of the Etro script (there was no good cgi renders at the time).

Ryea: and what will be the most favorite part?

YK: My favorite part was making the pouch – it’s functional!
I was able to put small items in it.

Ryea: How long does it take to complete the whole costume?

YK: It took me two-three weeks to finish the outfit and bow-blade.
My twin sis helped me a lot to finish the prop in time.

Ryea: Any good/funny/memorable experience when you cosplay Serah?

YK: I have to say there was a funny experience at Otakon. A lady in her car stopped in the middle of the
street during a green light and just stared out of her car window at my sis and I with her jaw wide opened.
I was glad to receive so many nice compliments for my bow-blade.
Some noticed I had made the bow-blade with a few references and they were really impressed.

Ryea: In your opinion, do you think that good craftmanship means having much details on their work?

YK: I think whether the outfit /prop calls for lots of details or not it just needs to look right to determine
good craftsmanship. Sure someone who has lots of details on their outfit/prop will always get more compliments.

Ryea: How and what have you think you've improved from since you started cosplay?

YK: I think I have improved in the way I pose, sew, make-up, style wigs, and make props.
I feel like I still have a lot of space for improvement. Practicing on what I need to improve on helps.

Ryea: Any tips to share?

YK: I always say that everyone starts from somewhere. All a cosplayer needs is creativity, confidence,
and motivation. I believe every cosplayer gets better at cosplaying with practice,
for some people it would take time and lots of hard work.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Kazeki, I've been 'stalking' her awesome cosplays way before I started cosplaying. I'm certainly impressed by her cosplays, always bringing it to a higher level. Her cosplay of Fatima from Five Star Story really did blew me away with the suit and even more epic headgear... and she did portray Fatima very well*lovelove


Ryea: What is COSPLAY to you?
Being able to bring a 2D character to the real world.

Ryea: When do you first started to cosplay?

Ryea: How many characters have you cosplayed so far ?
Komachi Mikumari - Samurai 7
Athrun Zala ; Zaft uniform - Gundam SEED *borrowed from Roxanne*
Soi Fong ; battle and taichou uniform - Bleach
Seth Nightlord ; ROM III novel cover - Trinity Blood

Miranda Lott ; Exorcist uniform version - D.Gray-man
Dizzy ; battle form - Guilty Gear XX
Seth Nightlord (tea seller) - Trinity Blood
Athrun Zala; Akatsuki no Kuruma - Gundam SEED special OVA ending
Athrun Zala/Alex Dino - Gundam SEED Destiny *borrowed from Fenix*
Maya - Magna Carta Crimson Stigmata

Soi Fong ;Captain version - BLEACH
Agito - Air Gear *borrowed from Sizer*
C.C. - Code Geass
Firi - Lamento ~Beyond the Void~
Ion Fortuna (Court Version) - Trinity Blood *borrowed from Skye*

Dawn/Hikari from Pokemon : Diamond & Pearl
Shirayuri Hime - Zone 00
Sailor Star Healer - SailorMoon : Sailor Stars
Sharon Apple - Macross PLUS
Mercedes - Odin Sphere

Sheryl Nome (Iteza gogo Kuji don't be late)
Kimihiro Watanuki - xxxHolic *costume borrowed from ElderG*
Kasumi - Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach
Chie Satonaka - Persona 4
C.C. (Mutuality artbook) - Code Geass
Meg - Bakuretsu Tenshi
Velvet - Odin Sphere
Gumi Megpoid - Vocaloid
Fatima Hugtrang - Five Star Stories

Mita Makoto - Sweet Pool
Lady Gaga (Pokerface)
DEADMASTER - Black★Rock Shooter
Anti-Spiral Nia - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Nia Teppelin (timeskip version) - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Shimohira Reika - GANTZ
Beast - Kuroshitsuji

Ryea: Which is your favorite character that you've cosplayed?
Mercedes, Anti Spiral Nia, Fatima Hugtrang.

Ryea: Which is your first character?
Komachi from Samurai 7. Definitely too old for her now lol

Ryea: Which characters are in your future cosplay list?
More Magna Carta, I can't get over Hyung Tae Kim.

Ryea: Do you make your own costume & props ?
Costumes are usually tailored/modified but my props are made by Jarold and I.
I have awesome friends like Rain, Stick and Jac'kee that always help me out as well.

Ryea: What is your favorite part when cosplay?
Seeing a prop completed, wearing the full costume for the first time and I get very strange satisfaction when it comes to editing photos, I guess it's because I consider it the final touches of my cosplay.

Ryea: Any good/funny/memorable experience when you cosplay?
Persona 4 - waking up at 3am to get ready for a long road to Sekinchan.
C.C. Mutuality - Got to cosplay with the amazing Kanasaii and Lenneth pair. I felt like the luckiest C.C. ;_____;
Deadmaster - Shiroin, my photographer, sunk his leg into a giant pit of mud during the shoot!!!
Gumi/Miki - Vocaloids drowning in the swimming pool is quite a sight.

Ryea: How and what have you think you've improved from since you started cosplay?
Definitely improved in every aspect from prop making to make up and of course *~editing photos~* BEFORE & AFTER

Ryea: Do you salute/idolize any cosplayer?
Omi Gibson

Ryea: Any tips to share ?
Study, research, work smart, enjoy!

Ryea: Do you think as a 'qualified' cosplayer, it's a must to do everything without the help from professionals ; costume props and others?
If that's the case, a lot of us wouldn't be "qualified" enough to cosplay.
Some people just have strengths on certain aspects while others don't.

and 3 random questions :

1) Which convention do you like most in Malaysia?
Comic Fiesta

2) How much money do you spend on Seth Nightroad.. the outfit is such AMAZING piece!!
Thank you! I spent about RM1.5k, it pales in comparism to the Trinity Blood team that debuted at CF2010 though, that team was AMAZING.

3) What do you do in events?
Meet old friends and new ones. I don't really have much stamina for events though.
I do better in photoshoots.


Ryeain: I'm totally blew away by Kamui, her craftsmanship. Seriously, just take a look at her AION Asmodian or her even Druid Tier 6 a...